I have been working with, building, and installing netting for most of my life.
When I was a young child, my father was the captain of a shrimping boat in SE Texas. One day while hitting golf balls at a driving range in Houston, he looked around and noticed the nets surrounding the rang were completely worn out.
Seeing an opportunity based in his knowledge of nets and cabling from the shrimping industry, he spoke with the range owner about installing new nets and that is where Americas Nationwide Netting was born.
To fast-forward a few years, he got into baseball nets and the company took off in this niche construction industry, creating "Nets of Texas" as he evolved.
Over the last 25 years his company has grown to become one of the most well-known names across the nation for his high-quality installations and turn-key applications. (Netsoftexas.com)
As you could imagine, I was taught the trade growing up and became his net man for many years building and installing nets while I was not in school.
For a lot of my teens and 20s I worked in my father's netting shop, building and installing nets ranging anywhere from small 5 cage facilities, to baseball field backstops, massive 125ft tall-1k ft driving range nets... and everything in-between. Then, one day, realizing how unique my specialized skill set was and how valuable it could be to the Sports Netting Industry, I branched off from my father's company to build this Niche Industry that currently does not exist in the Sports Netting Industry today.
16 years ago, I started performing netting maintenance for baseball fields, golf courses, public schools, and training facilities that we had built in previous years needing repairs.
Because outside of my father, I was the only person in the company with the full spectrum skillsets to provide professional net repairs to those location, based on my accumulated experience.
Over the last few years, I decided to take advantage of the value of my specialized skill set, with an itch to travel, and take a tour of the country providing my unique trade service across the nation.